Friday 20 March 2015

I miss the old us...

I talked to a close school friend,
And I said, I miss the old us,
The innocence, the fight, the promise of being friends till the end.

I chatted with a dear college friend,
And I wrote, I miss the old us,
The fun , the laugh, the care, so easily did we blend.

I looked through photos of roomies,
And I thought, I miss the old us,
The late night talks, the early morning walks and the uncountable memories.

And I realized, missing old 'us' is a good sign,
It reminds me that I always had an awesome time,
Because FRIENDS were forever a part of that life.

Today, I should make some new friends,
Enjoy a little, laugh a lot and talk something senseless,
So that I say again in the future,
I miss the old you, the old me and the old us.

1 comment:

  1. A best way to accept new things and cherish the old ones :) Good one Shru
